school offer
Curriculum Delivery - Primary
Premier League Primary Stars
A term long programme that provides a minimum of three hours support and delivery in your school. The programme consists of a variety of aspects and/or is tailored to the schools needs.
Multi-sport yearlong plans produced (Hockey, Rugby, Athletics, Football, Cricket, Basketball and Tennis)
Classroom based support and activities (Literacy and Numeracy)
PSHE and Health workshops – coincides with WombleFit
Teacher/NQT Mentoring and support in the delivery of Physical Education
Sessions are delivered by Level 2 coaches who have completed the AfPE / First 4 Sport Level 3 Assisting School Sport qualification as recommended by the DfE and are based on all children enjoying and participating in sport, health and learning activities.
We offer 1 and 2 Term delivery plans as well, please contact Andrew May for more information Andrew.May@afcwimbledonfoundation.org.uk
This programme is provided as part of our Premier League Primary Stars. This will be delivered across 6-12 weeks, depending on the schools preferences, and will be delivered via the means of physical education.
This programme is all about pupils understanding the importance of physical activity, why certain elements of sessions are incorporated such as warmups and the importance of a healthy lifestyle including the improvements it can have in an educational setting.
Premier League Reading Stars
A ten week programme that can be delivered as part of Primary Stars or independently that combines literacy activities and a love of reading related to sport and football. A typical session would consist of a 45 minute classroom activity followed by a related sports session for a small group of selected students.
PPA Curriculum
Termly or year long delivery support for primary schools that provides a structured programme of PE lessons in line with National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements.
Experienced coaches deliver a multi sports programme across each Key Stage and provide feedback and reports on individual pupil progress in core skills and competencies.
Coaching staff are also able to support delivery of literacy and numeracy and PSHE activities in a classroom setting.
Extracurricular clubs
The Foundation delivers a structured and engaging coaching programme in breakfast club, lunchtime and afterschool settings that reflects the needs of schools and their students. Numbers are limited to 16 children per coach and consist of fun warmups, skills and small sided games in the following sports:
Football, Basketball, Athletics, Uni–hockey, Quik Cricket, Tennis, Multi sports
Stadium Tours, Assemblies and Mascot visits
Come be one of the first schools to visit Plough Lane. Most will know by now that AFC Wimbledon are moving back to Plough Lane with a 9,000 all seated stadium. We are expecting high demand from schools so priority will be given to schools who sign up to any daytime delivery model.
School assemblies are themed on the club’s history and role in the community and also PSHE and citizenship themes of resilience, teamwork, fairness, behaviour, self-esteem and values.
Mascot visits can be arranged linked to delivery of sessions or assemblies. Haydon the Womble is a very popular mascot who promotes the club and acts as a good citizen helping to look after the environment.
School Teams and Tournaments
Foundation coaches can deliver structured team coaching for school teams that focuses on developing match play skills and use of tactics. Local and regional tournaments such as the EFL Kids and Girls Cup are regularly run by the Foundation across the year.
For further information, email Andrew.May@afcwimbledonfoundation.org.uk or contact the office on 0208 974 5712.