A bumper turn-out – and £30,000 raised!

A total of 2,500 people braved the adverse weather conditions to make our Family Fun Day a resounding success on Sunday.

Local children made the most of being at our ground by taking part in five-a-side tournaments on the Plough Lane pitch and enjoying stadium tours. 

There was entertainment for people of all ages with a premiere of 'Walking Down the Haydons Road' documentary, an oral history of Wimbledon Football Club, and our ‘fearless fundraisers’ scaled the heights of the stadium to raise £30,000. One hundred participants abseiled down the Cappagh (West) Stand with all funds donated towards the Dons Local Action Group.

The whole event involved a great combined effort by our Foundation and club staff, along with volunteers from WiSH (Wimbledon in Sporting History) and DLAG.

Foundation Director Phil Rudling said: “The first Family Fun Day really was a big success with an amazing turn out, despite the weather. We hosted a wide-range of activities on the pitch and in the Kids Zone, plus there was a series of stalls outside the South Stand, including a Speedway Motorbike Display, and the WiSH film premiere was shown upstairs.

“Dons Local Action Group volunteers played a central role and the star attraction was watching 100 fundraisers abseil down the West Stand! It was amazing to see so many local people at the Club and the day was an excellent piece of coordinated community work by the Foundation, DLAG and WiSH, who all pulled together to make such a great event. We really hope people had a positive experience, learnt about the Club's history, and will feel comfortable about coming back next season." Other participants in the event commented that “it was a very positive experience and it was great to see so many people. I was glad to play football on the pitch of AFC Wimbledon. I hope to attend future events and get involved again!”.


Joining forces for a vital cause


£15,000 raised thanks to end of season event