International Women’s Day - Maddi Interview

As the world celebrates International Women's Day, the AFC Wimbledon Foundation is proud to join in the celebration by highlighting the amazing contributions of women in football and beyond. From players to coaches, volunteers to fans, women play a vital role in every aspect of the sport.

This year’s IWD theme is to #EmbraceEquity, with the aim “to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren’t enough”. To find out more, visit the IWD website by clicking here

To celebrate IWD 2023, AFC Wimbledon Foundation will be posting one inspiring case study a day this week. First up is Maddi, a Community Sports coach at the Foundation.

Who were/are your female role models and why?

Seeing the women in my family push on and do what they wanted inspired me, constantly breaking the glass ceiling and teaching me how strong women actually are!

What are you the most proud of as a woman working/participating in football?

Now I see girls playing with the boys and skilling them up, not getting picked last, being valued and enjoying their football!

What do you enjoy the most about your job/or participating in sport?

I love being able to be part of the change in our society! The amount of coaches that are female is increasing as well as our numbers for participants. It is something you would never have believed would happen!

What advice would you give to a woman wanting to work/or participate in football?

There is help out there, there is support out there, and there are opportunities out there. Take them!

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is to #EmbraceEquity. To find out more, visit the IWD website by clicking here


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