International Women’s Day - Sian Interview

As the world celebrates International Women's Day, the AFC Wimbledon Foundation is proud to join in the celebration by highlighting the amazing contributions of women in football and beyond. From players to coaches, volunteers to fans, women play a vital role in every aspect of the sport.

This year’s IWD theme is to #EmbraceEquity, with the aim “to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren’t enough”. To find out more, visit the IWD website by clicking here

To celebrate IWD 2023, AFC Wimbledon Foundation will be posting one inspiring case study a day this week. Today is Sian, who has been volunteering with the Foundation for four years.

Who were/are your female role models and why?

Female role models of mine when I was younger was Skai Jackson, Coco Jones and Michelle Obama, because it was inspiring to see women like me in influential positions and it was a bonus to see they have likeable personalities.

Recently I’ve looked up to women like relatives, teachers and coaches because they’ve made impacts in my life and encouraged me.

What are you the most proud of as a woman working/participating in football?

The best part of volunteering with AFC Wimbledon is I get to see other young girls progress over a period of time and enjoy what they’re doing with equal chances. I also get to be a part of making sure there are more opportunities offered for young girls.

What do you enjoy the most about your job/or participating in sport?

I most enjoy seeing the kids have fun in sports they enjoy and enjoy seeing girls challenge the boys to prove they’re equally as good

What advice would you give to a woman wanting to work/or participate in football?

One piece of advice I would like to offer young girls is to continue to work hard to be successful in their chosen sport and know that girls deserve an equal amount of opportunities as boys.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is to #EmbraceEquity. To find out more, visit the IWD website by clicking here


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